Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Free Apps To Lock Whatsapp and other Android Apps

  WaQas DaDDo       Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Smartphones are almost like a people magnet, everybody who sees one tries to use it no matter if the device belongs to them or not. This kind of situation can arise in office or at Home as well where saying no to the person taking a peek in to your smartphone is not an option. Thankfully, there are applications in the Google Play store that can make sure that your device stays secure and as private as you would like it to be.
Free Apps To Lock Whatsapp and other Android Apps

We keep important apps in our device like Watsapp, Facebook and many more chatting options, and frequently they are checked up by many peoples, so let’s see some Privacy apps that can protect our important app. And as always, we have selected only the best Free Apps To Lock Whatsapp and other Apps for which you don’t need to spend a Penny.

Free Apps to Lock Whatsapp and other Apps 

1.Privacy Manager : It is designed in such a way that it becomes your basic privacy manager. It has the ability to keep your pictures, apps and contacts private, as well as some extra things included. It also includes a password manager so you won’t be left with an unsecure application storing a list of your passwords to your important accounts.
The free version only lets you lock up to 10 images at once, and only one contact for disguising texts/calls. The limitations are minimal, so you can probably get by with just the free version instead of paying $4.99 for the full version.

2.App Lock This app is sure to secure your phone from guests as it is also said that it is“guest-proof” That means your kids, friends, parents, etc cannot view photos, messages and even your apps. You can also give especial ability to shut down all specific functionalities of your device whenever you want, including a basic pattern/PIN lock, a quick-lock widget, ability to lock on incoming/outgoing calls, lock system settings, lock the Google Play Store, a quick lock switcher on the status bar, a re-lock policy (allow short exit, no need to unlock again), and prevent apps from being uninstalled.

 3.Hide It Pro :As it is commonly used app, more than 320,599 users’ use it worldwide. It has special feature that makes it unique from other apps, as it makes one to hide anything on their device, and does not let anyone know that anything is being hidden. The app is cleverly designed as a fully-functional audio manager, and lets you categorize your media into folders of your choosing.
Hide It Pro offers a “media suite” with all of your hidden content, so you won’t have to keep “un-hiding” it when you want to view it.
So Guys these are Best Free Apps To Lock Whatsapp and other installed apps for your Android Phone. Dont forget to Subscibe for our daily updates.

Thanks for reading Free Apps To Lock Whatsapp and other Android Apps

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